Geological Terrain Mapping

In landuse planning process of an area, town planners require basic information such as the geology, topography, landform and zones which are potentially unstable. Terrain Classification Map and its derivative thematic maps such as Landform, Erosion, Physical Constraints, Engineering Geology and Construction Suitability Maps serve as useful tools for such a purpose.

Geological terrain mapping is carried out based on the evaluation of attributes (slope gradient, terrain or morphology, activity and the erosion and instability). To prepare the various derivative maps, a GIS system using ArcGIS is used to analyse data from this attributes.

Applications of Geological Terrain Mapping:

  • Map the surface geology, including rock type, geological structures and
    weathering grades.
  • Evaluate the hydrogeology condition and potential geohazards earthquakes, landslides, floods, and volcanic eruptions.
  • Study and classify the geomorphology and surface terrain features.
Elevation map generated using Agisoft and ArcGIS
Elevation map generated using Agisoft and ArcGIS

Execution Team:

Team leader     Mahisham Ibrahim
Operation Manager Nadia Syafika
GIS Mas Assyiqim
SME                             Mahisham Ibrahim
Software PIX4D, ArcGIS, Agisoft
Equipment Drone, Range Finder, GPS Garmin, Geological Compass.
Supporting Company Prestige Geomatic Resources
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