Groundwater Resources Study

The reasons for groundwater investigations vary widely, as do the methodologies and techniques utilized in such investigations. SGR has extensive experience in groundwater investigations, which includes:

  • Review of relevant information including geological mapping, hydrogeological data from Government databases and review of previous investigations;
  • Geophysical surveying;
  • Exploration drilling and borehole logging;
  • Construction of monitoring bores and production bores;
  • Aquifer and well hydraulic testing (test pumping of water bores), and permeability estimation (slug tests);
  • Conceptual, analytical and numerical modelling;
  • Groundwater quality assessment; and
  • Liaison with Regulatory Authorities
Electrical resistivity survey to determine potential groundwater area


Tubewell construction using heavy machine to penetrate hardrock.


Execution Team

Team leader     Mahisham Ibrahim
Operation Manager Hakim Mhd Ramzam
SME Hydrogeologist Dr.Saim Suratman
Geologist                              Dr Suhaili Ismail
Driller                                     Arshad Musa
Software Aquifer Test, Rockwork, ArcGIS
Equipment Drilling Machine, Pumping Test Set, Portable Water Chemical Analysis.
Supporting Team Groundwater Solution, Company Shah Rill, Era Lab (Lab Test)
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